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Duck: Emily Steinberger

Design editor | Fall 2019, Spring 2020; Photo editor | Fall 2020, Spring 2021; Editor-in-chief | Fall 2021, Spring 2022

Illustration by Yiwei He | Illustration Editor

The Saturday after my first week of freshman classes, I hopped into a car with four juniors I’d met barely a week earlier as we drove off to the New York State Fair. That day made me feel part of The Daily Orange family. I felt like I was part of the team and had been for a while, although I was new to The D.O., to the university, to Syracuse.

There’s a reason we call The D.O. office a house, and that’s because — as cliche as it sounds — we’re a family. You all are the reason I’ve spent countless hours here.

Haley and Leff: It all started with you. You both allowed me to explore my curiosities and try new things, and you welcomed me into The D.O. as a freshman. I never felt naive — you both took the time to keep me in the know and answer my many questions. You made me love what I do.

Casey and Emma: When you pulled me into management and asked me if I’d be interested in applying for editor-in-chief, my teeth would not stop chattering. It was exciting, nerve-wracking, scary and unbelievable all at once, and that’s what this year’s been for me. I admire you both, as reporters, editors, mentors and people. You both put your trust in me, and for that I couldn’t be more thankful.

Talia: How can I properly thank the person who hired me at The D.O., who took me under their wing, who taught me how to see visually, who first believed in me? I don’t think it’s possible. Just know that I’ve learned so much from you, and I appreciate all you’ve taught me.

Corey: Forever my Photo editor. You have been such an inspiration to me, showing me the ropes as a contributing photographer and giving me advice as Photo editor. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve taught me, and I’ll forever treasure the playlist you made me.

Elizabeth: Kyle was right — you and Corey are D.O. file photo gods. I’ve loved learning from you, and I grow with every conversation we have. You’re a beautiful storyteller, and you pour your heart into every photo.

Sarah: You’ve given me some of the best advice I’ve received from anyone at The D.O., anyone at SU, for that matter. You’re always real with me, explaining that being a photojournalism major doesn’t automatically mean you have to be making photos. Thanks for opening up your home to me.

Annabelle: I love spending time with you, whether we’re six feet apart in the house or together at home. You continue to impress me every day.

Rori: In the midst of a tumultuous time — both for The D.O. and campus in general — you recorded history. Your documentary was the epitome of the love and passion staffers have for this place, and it made me want to immerse myself in The D.O. (even though I didn’t know what I was getting myself into). And here I am, five semesters after you bought me a milkshake for participating in the documentary, and I am forever thankful.

Kevin: You took the time to get to know me like no one else has done, asking me a million questions about myself and took a genuine interest in each of my answers. I’m forever grateful for that. You’re an incredible human being, plus I’m infinitely amazed at your web design skills.

Amy: You’re the perfect combination of talent and kindness. I loved working with you and watching you work, and I always felt there was so much I could learn from you. Long live the Naka Nook.

744 Sports section: Sports was always so fun to design for. Thanks for making me laugh.

KJ: Your personality brings sunshine on even the rainiest of days. Whether your jokes were told in the confines of the sports office at 744 or while you were running around 230 as DME, the whole staff wanted to hear what you had to say (and with your loud voice, most of the time they did). The whole staff adores you and follows your lead (ham?), and I miss your energy in house.

Crane: Thanks for driving me around all those times, both so I could photograph for your own stories and for others’. Though the photo request doc may not be filled out, I can tell that you value visual storytelling.

Roshan: I couldn’t have asked for a better Sports editor to take on the challenge of the ACC bubble and pool photographers with. Looking forward to reading more of your amazing stories!

Skyler: You’re such an inspiration — to me, to women in journalism, to women in sports. I hope life treats you well, because you deserve it. SPROTS!

Sessa: I don’t know how you did it all. You’re a true renaissance man, all while treating everything and everyone with care. I admire you so much. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Gabe: Thanks for being a guide throughout my years at The D.O. You’ve always been the one to turn to for advice. Your drive to amplify underrepresented voices showed me journalism’s importance.

Cori: You’re an absolute joy to have worked with as head editors. I’m so happy to have been in your presence.

Tyler: You introduced me to the wonderful world of archives. I literally don’t know what The D.O. would’ve done without you. You’re incredible at what you do, and your energy brightens the room. I hope you find the time to get some well deserved rest.

Nabeeha: I knew you were going to make an excellent Presentation Director the minute I saw your gorgeous page design sketches as we freshman designers sat in a circle with Talia for first design meeting. Keep on being awesome.

Katie M.: I loved designing with you freshman year, and you were a phenomenal Digital Design Director. I miss having you around the house!

Katie G.: I loved working together as designers, and I miss those days very much.

Casey: Thanks for walking home with me that first D.O. party. For that reason and many others, you’re the definition of kindness.

Austin: Our ride along with the Candyman made me realize how much better we can tell stories when visuals and text combine. Thanks for taking me on that journey.

Lou: You gave the Culture section its warmth and made it the place to be. Everyone gravitated toward you — even Sports began writing for Culture. You’re always searching for ways you can help people reach their potential, and you make everyone around you smile.

Syd: Your smile lights up every conversation. I love spending time with you, and I’m proud of all you’ve accomplished in the time I’ve known you.

Richard C.: Thanks for stepping in and leading the News section. Your love of the team fostered the News family, and everyone loved having you back in house.

Chris, Sarah, Marnie and Mira: You all are some of the most intentional reporters and editors I’ve ever met. I admire the intense thought you put into everything you do and say. You all have a caring strength, and I’m looking forward to seeing the change you make and the stories you tell along the way.

Hannah, Karoline, Shantel: What a team! Y’all rocked it in News last semester. With your stamina, I know each of you will do some incredible things in the future (and Shantel, the staff is glad to have you back in house).

Adam, Connor, Spencer and Cole: Y’all are awesome at what you do, and I can’t wait to see more of it.

Sydney, Mengyao, Abby: The D.O.’s been lucky to have you all on the team, and even when you pursue other opportunities, just know I’m always cheering y’all on!

Danny, Xiaoxian, Mary and Amanda: Y’all are all incredible designers and have demonstrated that through the many late nights you’ve dedicated to The D.O. Keep kicking butt.

Sophia, Sophie and Anthony: You’ve made the Culture section really special, each bringing your own passions and energy. Keep on adding your touches to everything you create.

Ivana: You stick to what you believe in, and that’s going to allow you to pave your own path. I can’t wait to see where that path takes you.

Dom: There aren’t many people with the same bounce in their step. I can never predict your next move, but it’s always a pleasant surprise when you pop into management. Your eagerness to take on anything and everything will get you far.

Grace, Katie, Jana and Danny: In the least creepy way possible, I love listening to y’all laugh through the thin walls separating management and News. You act as a family, and even when the news is rough or we’re at the house ridiculously late for Student Association coverage, you all stick together. Keep that bond strong.

Andrew and Harry: Y’all have been a rockin’ podcast team this semester, you both are so enthusiastic and work so well together. You’ve brought some interesting ideas to the table, and I look forward to seeing all that you create in the years to come!

Maya and Maddy: A true dynamic duo — I’ve never seen two people work so well together. Not only are you incredible videographers (the Giving Tuesday video was fantabulous and makes me tear up every time), but you’re amazing editors, always prioritizing videographers’ ideas and leading the section in wonderful ways.

Max: You have so many big ideas, and I can’t wait to see you make them happen.

Jaden: You’ve been an incredible assistant photo editor, and I’m excited to see the amazing things you do in the future!

Wendy: Thanks for being someone I could reach out to with last-minute photo assignments. I’m glad being an assistant photo editor made you realize your real passion is making photos.

Yiwei: Your commitment to The D.O. is incredible — you’re willing to go the extra mile and design whether you’re in Syracuse or abroad in Korea. Your illustrations blow me away every time.

Lucy and Anya: You both made for some incredible Photo editors. I was always impressed with how much y’all handled while still being so on top of things. Thanks for taking over the Photo section and handling it with grace.

Lilli: I’m excited to see all you offer the Enterprise team. You’re built for this role. I hope it leads you to some exciting discoveries.

Cirino: Your curiosity has driven you to write some beautiful stories, and I admire that you’re always asking questions and searching for answers. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to read your enterprise stories. Save time for some food columns, too 🙂

Anish: You’ve been waiting to be Sports editor for a while now, so I imagine you have a lot of ideas brewing. I can’t wait to see you use your energy and enthusiasm to turn those ideas into reality.

Connor: I’ve watched you grow a lot as a leader during your time as Sports editor. I’m proud of the work you’ve accomplished, and I hope you are too.

Rachel: It’s been awesome to see you grow as a writer and editor. You’re going to rock it as Culture editor!

Julia: I’m glad I ran into you so many times the first few weeks of your freshman year and convinced you (though it wasn’t hard) to join The D.O.

Rainu: The Opinion section is going to be in good hands with you in charge. Your diligence is essential for leading this unique section that allows us to amplify underrepresented voices in a way that other sections can’t.

Micaela: Walking into the Op room and seeing the whiteboard drawing of you, Rainu and Julia always reminds me what an awesome leader you’ve been this semester and how much your staff respects you. Thanks for being a mentor to editors and columnists alike.

Zoe: You’ve transformed 119 years of archival material into accessible history, an incredible feat. You’re always willing to take on a challenge, and you’ve been so helpful to the staff and to the community in welcoming everyone into the archival space. You’ve set the scene for the future of the archives.

Megan: You’ve been a superstar in the design section, and I’m excited to see you rock it as Digital Design Director!

Morgan: You’re an amazing designer and a kind human, and I’ve full confidence in you as Presentation Director. Keep the Visuals vibes alive, and don’t forget the drop cap!

Shannon: You may be the only person in D.O. history to have held a single position for three semesters — twice. I loved working with you as a designer, and I’ve loved seeing you blossom into the incredible Presentation Director you are today.

Maya: Your graphics leave me flabbergasted. No one but you can make a drawing (!!!) of food look so delicious. Your patience is unmatched — reexporting the same graphic over and over takes a lot of it. I’m going to miss you, but have a blast in Copenhagen!

Francis: You’ve grown so much as a storyteller since I first met you, and yet some things still stay the same — you know the most AP style of any D.O. staffer I’ve met. With all you’ve accomplished, I know you have a bright future ahead. I’m looking forward to reading your cocktail columns, too.

Hank: You do a lot that makes me smile — film reviews, sketches that Maya turns into phenomenal graphics, nightly management visits to get what else but a fruit snack. You’ve got a lot of talent, and I’m looking forward to seeing you develop your skills. I hope the new management team saves some fruit snacks for you. You deserve them.

Allie: Room 202 forever. I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and I hope finally being out of school gives you the freedom to spread your wings.

Zoe and Olivia: My biggest supporters. Thank you for letting me rant to you when times were tough and celebrating with me for every accomplishment. Y’all make me feel anything but humble.

Mark: It’s safe to say you made me laugh the most of anyone at The D.O. Sometimes what you said was actually funny. Other times it was so stupid it was funny. But seriously, thanks for making me laugh. Fr real. And don’t let this duck go to your head.

Dakota: I admire you so much, more than you know. You help lead the Culture section with thoughtfulness, mindfulness and conscientiousness. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a leader.

Meghan: What a phenomenal Photo editor you’ve been. You have carried the Photo section, and you go above and beyond in everything you do. I’m so incredibly proud of you.

Nate: You made an impression as soon as you sent a “thank you” email — one of the few I received — after our interview. Your personability, kindness and understanding attracts the staff to you like a magnet. You came into The D.O. with a desire to learn, which took you far and will continue to open doors for you. Trust your gut, and keep on pushin’ P.

Kyle: I hope you know how awesome you are, and I hope you know how awesome we all think you are. I’m constantly impressed by the pieces you write and all you take on. You’re an incredible mentor to young journalists, and all of your contributors are lucky to have you as a leader. And I’m lucky to know you. Just remember to take care of yourself the same way you take care of others.

Siron: When I saw the tweets and Insta stories you posted while covering Juice Jam, I knew you would make one hell of a DME someday. Well that day is here, and you’re so ready for it. Your creativity and approachability makes you an amazing leader, and it’ll get you far. I’m so excited to see the change you make through digital journalism. Remember to purge varnish!

Maggie: It’s great to have you in house again — we’ve been trying to bring you back ever since you left. You have incredible news judgment paired with a caring spirit, and The D.O.’s a better place with you around. Looking forward to seeing you and the staff lead the next chapter of D.O. history.

Abby: You’ll forever be known as the one who got us to 10K on Instagram — what a legacy to have! I’ve enjoyed every moment of working with you, even the times waiting for the safety shuttle after a long night. You’ve taught me so much, beginning with whatever the hell a yoast is. And more importantly, you’ve become a great friend to me.

Tony: Never in my wildest dreams did I think someone could match KJ’s energy, but here you are, enlivening the house every night of production. You make The D.O. a special place, and you’ve made this semester special for me. Never lose that special Tony touch, with a seasoning of EDM.

Richard P.: You’re about to embark on a really exciting journey. It’ll have twists and turns, highs and lows. You’re a part of something bigger than yourself, even bigger than your team, and I know you’re more than capable of handling the responsibility with grace. You’re going to learn so much from this year, and you have the leadership, writing, editing, idea-creating skills to soak it all in. Kick ass and have fun.

Mandy: Oh gosh, here we go. Mandy, I’ve been incredibly lucky to have you by my side. Like, incredibly lucky. You’d already ducked, and yet you came back to be Managing editor. And then you signed up for only a semester, and yet here you are two semesters later. It’s my honor to have served alongside the kindest soul at The D.O., the queen of mac pitches — the list goes on. I’ve had to make some of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made this year, and you’re always someone I trust to give honest advice. Your internal drive to serve the community through journalism is inspiring and has had a lifelong impact on me. I couldn’t have wished for a better friend to lead The D.O. alongside.

744: Here’s to being the last editor-in-chief who worked in the old place.


“Come early, stay late.” It’s probably one of the first lines in a photographer’s handbook. These liminal spaces are when you can seek the people, the place, the personality. The moments that tell the story.

I came early to learn The D.O.’s story. I stayed late because I wanted to experience it.

Well, that’s all from me. Goodnight paper!

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