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Assembly members elected to Student Association committees, boards

Hieu Nguyen | Asst. Photo Editor

The elections were held Monday night in Maxwell Auditorium.

Special elections took up most of the Student Association’s Monday night meeting, with the assembly electing members to various committees and boards.

In total, about 20 people were elected or confirmed to new positions.

Ten finance board members were re-elected, and a new member of the Finance Board was also elected. One person who ran for the last Finance Board position was not re-elected. A maximum of 12 people can serve on the Finance Board.

A new member of the Judicial Review Board, four new members of the Administrative Operations Committee, four new members of the Board of Elections and Membership and four new members of the University Senate were also elected.

Sophomore Joshua Rowe joined the Finance Board. Rowe is the current fiscal agent of the Caribbean Student Association.

Vishwas Paul, a freshman economics major, joined the Judicial Review Board.

Freshman Ryan Golden, sophomore Stephanie Hausman, junior Drew Jacobson and sophomore James Quinn were elected to the administrative operations committee.

During the election of and deliberation regarding the members, the assembly went into Executive Session for about 30 minutes. Only assembly members and cabinet members were present during the discussion, and all non-SA observers were required to leave Maxwell Auditorium.

SA President James Franco said information discussed during the Executive Session wasn’t ready to be made public because it was related to an internal election.

“It wasn’t ready to be public information, but it pertained to the individuals, and it wouldn’t be fair to have it outside the organization,” Franco said.

The four new members of the Board of Elections and Membership are sophomore Ladin Bacakoğlu, junior Caroline Bauman, freshman Ryan Golden and senior Evanna Ojeda.

Sophomore Ryan Browne, freshman Ryan Golden, sophomore James Pezzulo and sophomore Ryan Thompson were elected to University Senate positions. University Senate is an SU governing body that includes administrators, faculty and students. Students serving in the senate must be elected through SA.

Other business

SA also approved $16,666 for the committee on academic affairs, and student life was approved $35 in the budget as well.

NPHC president Andrew Fowler and chair of diversity affairs Diasia Robinson discussed funding for busses to Washington, D.C. for the March for our Lives rally on March 24. Nothing has been approved yet, but SA is working on planning the logistics of the possibility of planning a trip.

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