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Duck: Frankie Prijatel

Asst. photo editor | Fall 2014; Photo editor | Spring 2015

Tony Chao | Art director

Clare wanted my entire duck to be about her, and for that she’s a bitch.

It’s that time of the year, folks. After two wonderful semesters at The Daily Orange it’s time for me to say goodbye.

Mara, you’re a doll. It’s been a pleasure spending countless guides and hours in the photo office with you. I don’t know how you put up with my antics but for that you’re an angel and, son-of-a-hamster, I will miss you.

Clare, you’re headed off to merry old England and for that I hate you. You’re leaving me alone to face post-D.O. syndrome with nothing to comfort me but mango bubble tea. Don’t have too much fun without me.

B-rett, it all started with Stephanie Miner. You accepted my hatred of speaker photos and I still can’t believe it took me a semester and a half to realize you live across the street from me.

Phil. It’s been real. Hopefully my driving didn’t scare you too much on the way down to N.C. State and now you can finally sleep at night knowing I will never again yell up the stairs asking you to car swap.

To everyone I’ve been able to road trip with this semester after realizing sports photography wasn’t the devil itself: Jesse, Sam and Grossman. The unforgettable moments: Jesse rocking out to “Chicken Fried” in the car; Sam asking if we were there yet every 10 minutes and making fun of Grossman for falling asleep with his mouth open; and Grossman I’m happy we’ve had our small bro moments on the way home from work and that you finally found a lid at Wawa’s.

To Mer, my long lost D.O. mother. I’ll miss you passing by the photo office every time asking, “How are we doing?” Long live Tinkerbell.

Lara, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this but you’re fashion choices are on point. Design meetings won’t be the same without you. #WhiteSpace.

Bella, I’ll miss our karaoke sessions in the photo office and your efforts to defy journalistic integrity for artistic merit. To be honest sometimes I was tempted, but hey, we gotta do what we gotta do.

To my darlings in News. Sara Swann you are the sunshine in my days and you’re smile makes getting Newsfront caption information bearable. Justin, I will never forget our early days together. Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing ambulances? Stay classy.

To Jacob and Maggie, my Cleveland cohorts. Long live the ‘Land. Jacob, I’m glad we’ve bonded over Bene and Beaumont problems together. Shoutout to Mrs. Bihuniak for teaching me everything I know about writing. Maggie, you’re the

To all the designers who have put up with my stubbornness. Kat, I cherish your hugs and the brightness you bring to the house. FYI, we need to have many more mall adventures, but without Clare because she’s leaving the country. What the actual. Momin, I love how sassy you’ve become as a designer, never change. Max, we will be going to London together senior year, and it will be the shit. By the way, you were so white-girl wasted at Mayfest, it was amazing. Sydney, make sure you keep B-rett on his toes. Matt, my man. Words can’t describe how I’ll miss our shenanigans on the Quad and in-house. Stay Savage. Chloe, don’t ever let Sam’s crude jokes ruin you. And I still stand by the theory that Corgis will someday rule the world. Long live Bilbo.

Here’s were it gets sappy guys, grab the tissues.

To my mentors Margo and Chase. Margaret, you saw something in me when you hired me spring of last year. You gave me the best thing I could’ve ever asked for: a chance to be a part of The Daily Orange. Sending me to Skrillex was still the coolest concert I’ve ever shot. You’ll be going off to England as well and I know you’ll do amazing and inspiring things. Chase. I walked in-house after shooting the Danceworks rehearsal spring of last year and I met the legend. I wouldn’t have survived this semester without Chase, folks. Even on the hardest and longest days, Chase came strolling into the photo office full of optimism and inspiration that somehow made everything okie dokie. Your words of wisdom will never be forgotten and even as you graduate your name will live on. All hail the Chase beanie.

And now Logan, my successor. You’ve endured my ever-changing music moods in the office and I have every confidence that you will make next semester better than ever. I wish you the best of luck and I’ll see you around, kid.

Cheers, everyone! R.I.P. Frank

P.S. Grossman, I leave my Tabasco sauce to you. Use it well.

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